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Year 4

Class Teacher: Mr Mackenzie

Supportive Teaching Team: Miss Brewer and Miss Moreton

Term One 

Our value this term: Thankfulness

This term our enquiry will be "How did the Roman invasion change Britain?'

We will start by learning about the human history of Britain and begin to understand better who has stood here before us by using historical timelines and investigating artefacts. As historians, the children will build on their knowledge of the Stone Age from year 3 to understand how Britain advanced technologically through the Bronze and Iron Age and what Britain was like at the time of the birth of Jesus Christ just prior to the Roman invasion. The children will further learn what the Roman's bought to Britain, as well as how the British resisted at the time. As geographers, the children will locate major cities and countries across Europe, mapping how the Romans invaded Britain.

Enquiry questions:

Who has stood before us?     How has life changed since the Stone Age?     What was life like in Britain when Jesus was born?     What did the Romans bring to Britain?     How did Britain resist?     What did they leave behind?     What is the legacy of the Romans?   



In English this term, we will be reading our anchor text ‘Varjack Paw’ by SF Said. We will continue to develop our reading skills by retrieving information, inferring the text to understand character feelings and emotions and exploring new vocabulary to use ambitious words such as menacing, ominous, and seldom. In writing, we will be working towards writing to entertain with a 'finding story' and completing a non-fiction text on Hadrian's Wall which will link fantastically to our enquiry question.


In Maths this term, children will be adding and subtracting 3-digit numbers, to secure the number sense taught in Year 3 and further understanding the importance of regrouping numbers when adding and subtracting. We will also develop our understanding and confidence with numbers up to 10,000. Throughout the term, children will be practising their timetables to ensure confidence and fluency. 


As scientists this term we will be looking at sound. We will be studying the inner part of the ear and learning how sound travels as vibrations to our brain, enabling us to hear. We will also get practical and learn about sound as an energy as well as its varying features such as pitch and amplitude.


As artists this term, we will be creating surface patterns using Roman mosaics as our inspiration. As designers, we will be creating structures using the magnificent and iconic Colosseum as our inspiration!


Our topic for Term one PSHE is 'Being me in my world'. This dives into how to make our community and school a better place, children's right to learn and how to care for other people's feelings. In term two, our topic is 'Celebrating Difference'. This focusses on acceptance of others, problem-solving, bullying and how every person is different. 


This term in RE will be studying how different people from across the world express their beliefs as well as compare different ideas regarding God and across humanity. In particular, we will describe some of the different ways in which Christians show their beliefs in incarnation, salvation and creation which include through the arts, worship and helping others. Further into the term, the children will describe how Christians show their beliefs about God the trinity in the way they live.


This term in PE, our unit of work is Personal Skills, with a physical focus on coordination and balance. The children will also be completing units on Hockey and Dance led by our sports coaches.